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Teacher Talk Blog | Anti-Bullying Week November 2013
13 November 2013 12:20:16 GMT
Anti-Bullying Week 2013 - Safe, fun and connected.
The 18th – 22nd November is Anti Bullying Week, and this year the focus is on staying safe online
A new survey, reveals that over half of children and young people in England accept cyber-bullying as part of everyday life, yet parents and teachers, the people they are likely to turn to for help, feel ill-equipped to deal with the problem.
With over 30% of UK teachers stating they didn’t have adequate knowledge to match the online behaviours of their pupils, and even more stating they didn’t know how to respond to cyber-bullying, there is an obvious need for better education and resources, not only in the classroom but better training for teachers and support for parents too.
The Anti-Bullying Alliance has a wealth of online resources relating to anti-bullying policy and practice to help support teachers and parents. For more information and resources go to:
Let’s all do our part to ensure our children will be able to enjoy a digital future that is safe, fun and connected.
To view Classroom Capers anti-bullying and PSHE resources click here.