Free Teacher Resources

Activity Sheets & Display Ideas
Discover some creative ways to use, and get the most from your Classroom Caper's products. We hope they inspire you to create your own imaginative displays and activities. Share your Capers classroom display or class idea using our resources with us and we'll return the compliment with a 15% discount off your next order! All you need to do is email us a photo (.jpeg) of your display, or details of the activity you have devised using our products, along with your permission for its publication on our website.
Border Ideas-   *NEW* Create a Border Bird!
Display Letter Ideas-    Alphabet Recognition Rings
(Sheet 1)
Picture Cards Ideas-
Teaching Symmetry Activity
Class Display Ideas-
Colourful Design Message
Class Display Ideas-
Welcome Sign
Display Letters Idea-
Create Animal Letters
Display Letters & Border Activity-
Fun Alphabet Crowns!
Cut-Out & Border Ideas   *NEW* 3D Project DisplaysFrench version
Border Ideas-   *NEW* Create a Super Star!
Picture Cards Ideas-
Bright Bugs Activities    
Picture Cards Ideas-
Hot Air Balloon Multi-Purpose Display   
Display Letter Ideas-
Alphabet Recognition Rings (Sheet 2)
Display Letters Activity Idea-
Word Games
Display Letters & Border Idea-
Special Person Crowns
Display Letters Activity-
Exploring Texture

First World War Teacher Download Resources
The free teacher resources below are based on our WW1 poster and aim to expand the coverage of this important historic event by providing either further information in datasheets, poster graphics or additional photographs as individual downloads. Please note, further datasheets will be added soon. Click here to view our WW1 School Poster

1914 Europe Map
Showing neutral, central and allied powers in 1914 - Med res, High res

Road to War

Photograph - German troops invade Belgium - Med resHigh res

Home by Christmas
Photograph - New army recruits in training 1914
Med resHigh res

Women at War
Photograph - Female ambulance drivers    
Med res
High res


War of Mechanisation
Photograph - Sopworth Camel aircraft
Med resHigh res

Photograph - House damage by warships  
Med resHigh res

World War One timeline1914-18 Timeline
Iconic poppy design showing key dates Med resHigh res
Road to War
Low res (online viewing)High res
Photograph - A British sentry in an enemy trench
Med resHigh res
Women at War
Photograph - Munitionettes
Med resHigh res  


The Armistace / Treaty of Vesailles
Photograph - German soldiers complying with the Armistice
Med resHigh res

The British Soldier at War
Photograph - A British soldier in full kit Med resHigh res

Teacher Downloads
Explore our list of FREE, downloadable teaching aids and ideas and discover certificates, calendars, reward charts, activity sheets and much more! These PDF files can be viewed and printed online, or saved to your computer. Make sure you bookmark this page and watch out for frequent, new additions!


Elf Step Reward Chart     
Christmas Reward Chart     
Halloween Colouring-in Pages     
Halloween Reward Chart     
Autumn Reward Chart     
Harvest Celebrations Round the World     


Recep & KS1 Cootie Game-Learn Word/Letter Order     
KS1&2 Cootie Game-Learn About Living Things     
KS1&2 Cootie Game-Learn About the Food Chain     
KS1 Cootie Maths Game-Odds vs Evens     
KS1&2 Cootie Maths Game-Rounding     


KS1&2 New Term Crossword     
KS1&2 Getting to Know You Questionnaire     
KS1 Welcome! Secret Message to Decode     
KS1&2 New Term Wordsearch     
KS2 Smile! New Term Wordsearch (Hard!)     
KS2 Welcome! Secret Message to Decode     
Back to School Ice Breaker Ideas     


You're a Star! Certificate       
Way To Go! Reader Award       
Student of the Week    
Award Certificate    
Blank Certificate    
Award Certificates     
Incentive Bee Certificate(b&w)    
Small Incentive Charts     

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